Yesterday as we drove by to check the progress of the house we're building, I started thinking... We're building this lovely house in a lovely neighborhood, but how long will it take for it to feel like home? In all honesty, I've been thinking about this post for a while (and solicited feedback from friends several weeks ago), but driving by our future home reminded me of it again. And prompted me to go ahead and get my feelings about the subject "down on paper." As dissatisfied and fed up as I am with our current place, it definitely fits my definition of "home." We bought this place when my oldest was just 6 months old. He is now 5-and-a-half. All three of my kiddos have learned to crawl and walk in this place. They learned to talk here and have decorated many windows and pieces of furniture with stickers here. The days are long but the years are short, eh?
Authentic LabelWife, mom and full-time marketing pro. Diet coke addict. Auburn fan (and alumn). Christian - striving to comprehend grace. Archives
January 2019