About MeYes, that is one of those "laugh like someone just told you a joke while looking off camera" shots. I felt ridiculous doing it, but admittedly, I like it enough to use it on my blog...
I'm drawn to the perfectly imperfect folks in this world... You know, the kind of person who doesn't have it all together but knows it, embraces it and tries to love it anyway? I strive to be that person - for myself, for my family and for my friends. From this, I believe, comes my thirst to better understand (and show myself) God's grace for us broken people. I decided to start a blog because I miss creative writing and wanted to document life in general - from our first experience building a new house to my kids starting school and the struggles of having two full-time working (out of the home) parents. I also just need a place to vent, look for advice, ask if I'm doing this or that wrong and hopefully meet some cool people along the way! Did I mention my name? I'm Chantel - which means a song. I like that description! |
About My Family

We are the Minishes - a family of five living in Huntsville, Alabama. Have you been to Huntsville? If not... you should - it's such a jewel of a medium-sized city (but more on that later).
My hubby and I met on a blind date in Nashville, Tennessee, September 22, 2001. We didn't start dating until five years later and then got married in 2008. We started a family a few short years later and have a boy (9) girl (7) and another little guy we still refer to as "baby" even though he's nearly 6. We don't expect to have any more kiddos but did add two fur-babies (Caleb and Basil) in 2018. They were reduces from A New Leash on Life and we also foster dogs and puppies with the same organization even now.
We try to have fun along the way. I'm the worrier/planner/to-do-list-writer and my husband is the financial wiz/chef/easy-go-lucky one. Our kids' interests range from hockey to swim team, Fortnite to the family favorite movie, “The Greatest Showman” and everything in between it seems. Legos! They all love Legos. And water balloons.
As a family we love to watch Auburn football, swim and eat Dunkin' Donuts and Chick-chick (a.k.a. Chick-Fil-A). Seriously. We eat Chick-Fil-A all. the. time. We may be addicted...
My hubby and I met on a blind date in Nashville, Tennessee, September 22, 2001. We didn't start dating until five years later and then got married in 2008. We started a family a few short years later and have a boy (9) girl (7) and another little guy we still refer to as "baby" even though he's nearly 6. We don't expect to have any more kiddos but did add two fur-babies (Caleb and Basil) in 2018. They were reduces from A New Leash on Life and we also foster dogs and puppies with the same organization even now.
We try to have fun along the way. I'm the worrier/planner/to-do-list-writer and my husband is the financial wiz/chef/easy-go-lucky one. Our kids' interests range from hockey to swim team, Fortnite to the family favorite movie, “The Greatest Showman” and everything in between it seems. Legos! They all love Legos. And water balloons.
As a family we love to watch Auburn football, swim and eat Dunkin' Donuts and Chick-chick (a.k.a. Chick-Fil-A). Seriously. We eat Chick-Fil-A all. the. time. We may be addicted...